CIA NOTABLE FLIGHTS Part N. Atlantic Ocean solo attempts and flights
1973-08-07 Atlantic attempt.

Bob Sparks Copilot(s): Solo flight

Bar Harbor to 70 km Northeast St John's

"Yankee Zephyr". Helium. Volume 2067.13

Distance: 1350
km 838.851
Miles Duration: 23 h 30 min

1974-02-18 Atlantic attempt.

Tom Gatch Copilot(s): Solo flight

Harrisburg to unknown landing. Never found.

Distance not verified. 2250 claimed

"Light Heart". Helium Volume 0

Distance: 2000
km 1242.74
Miles Duration: 18 h 0 min

1974-08-06 Atlantic attempt.

Bob Berger Copilot(s): Solo flight

Lakehurst to Barnegat Bay

"Spirit of Man". Helium Volume 0

Distance: 20
km 12.4274
Miles Duration: 1 h 0 min

1975-08-21 Atlantic attempt.

Bob Sparks Copilot(s): Solo flight

Cape Cod to 200 km South of Cape Cod

"Odyssey". Helium. Volume 2831.68

Distance: 200
km 124.274
Miles Duration: 18 h 0 min

1976-06-25 Atlantic attempt.

Karl Thomas Copilot(s): Solo flight

Lakehurst to 600 km Northeast Bermuda

"Spirit of '76". 2 180 m3 helium Volume 2180.4

Distance: 885
km 549.914
Miles Duration: 33 h 0 min

1976-10-10 Atlantic attempt.

Edward Yost Copilot(s): Solo flight

Milbridge. Maine 05 Oct to 400 km East of Azores

Atlantic attempt. Ditched 37*11'N. 20*52'W

Yost GB-47. "Silver Fox". Helium. Volume 1699.01

Distance: 3983
km 2474.92
Miles Duration: 107 h 37 min

1984-09-18 First solo Atlantic crossing by balloon.

Joseph W. Kittinger Copilot(s): Solo flight

Caribou. Maine. Sept 15 - Cairo Montenotte. Italy. Sept 18.

Broke leg on landing.

Yost GB-55. "Rosie O'Grady". Helium. Volume 2873.59

Distance: 5703
km 3543.68
Miles Duration: 83 h 40 min

1997-01-20 Around the World attempt. First over 3 continents. First to make 2 Atlantic crossings.

Steve Fossett Copilot(s): Solo flight

St Louis. USA to Varanasi. India. Lost time avoiding Libyan airspace.

RTW flight attempt no 8. Absolute World Distance and Duration Record.

Cameron R-210. 5947 cu m helium Volume 7587

Distance: 16674
km 10360.7
Miles Duration: 146 h 44 min

1998-01-05 Fastest Atlantic crossing. First to make 3 Atlantic crossings.

Steve Fossett Copilot(s): Solo flight

St. Louis. USA to Krasnodar. Russia. RTW attempt no 11 but landed after attempts 12 & 13

Total track distance about 11500 km

Cameron R-210 Volume 7587

Distance: 9338
km 5802.36
Miles Duration: 108 h 23 min

1998-08-16 Around the World attempt. First South Atlantic crossing. first Indian ocean crossing.

Steve Fossett Copilot(s): Solo flight

Mendoza. Argentina 7 Aug to Chesterfield Reef. Coral sea 16 Aug.

RTW flight attempt no 15. Absolute Distance Record. Ditched in Coral Sea due severe weather

Cameron R-450 Volume 15222

Distance: 22910
km 14235.6
Miles Duration: 205 h 59 min

2000-03-03 Around-the-World attempt

Kevin J. Uliassi Copilot(s): Solo flight

Rockford. Illinois to Nyaungu. Myanmar

RTW flight atempt no 19. Track distance 21 194 km (not verified). AM 13-14 duration record

Uliassi AM-12 homebuilt. N761JR Volume 13727

Distance: 20455
km 12710.1
Miles Duration: 243 h 28 min

2002-07-03 Second Around-the-World Flight. First solo flight Around-the-World

Steve Fossett Copilot(s): Solo flight

Northam airport. West Australia to the Blue Hills. Queensland. Australia. Total track dist. 34 242 km

Absolute Around the World record. 320 hours 33 min. AM14 distance and duration record

Cameron R-600. "Bud Light Spirit of Freedom" Volume 18429

Distance: 33195.1
km 20626.4
Miles Duration: 355 h 50 min

2003-09-29 First transatlantic flight in an open wicker basket

David Hempleman-Adams Copilot(s): Solo flight

Sussex. New Brunswick. Canada to Grange Lane. Stalmine. Hambleton near Blackpool. UK

Launch 26 September at 0537 UTC. Landing at 1654 UTC 29 September

Cameron R-90. G-BYZX. "Pinneys Smoked Salmon" Volume 2998

Distance: 4427.4
km 2751
Miles Duration: 83 h 17 min

© CIA, Hans Åkerstedt