1783-08-30 First aviation Royal decision

Louis XVI King of France¹

King Louis XVI agreed that first aeronauts be prisoners

1784-01-19 First flight with more than 2 people

Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier

First stowaway (Fontaine). Airborne heater fired with wood. coal and alcohol.

1784-04-23 First aviation law

Requirement that balloons carrying fire aloft must be inspected before flight

1798-10-16 First ascent with a horse.

Pierre Testu-Brissy

At Monceau

1802-06-28 High speed flight. Average speed over 100 km/h.

André Jacques Garnerin

London to Colchester. 110 km/h

1804-12-06 Unmanned balloons released to celebrate Napoleon's coronation.

André Jacques Garnerin¹

One lands in Rome on Nero's grave.

1811-10-07 High speed flight. Average speed 135 km/h.

James Gross Sadler

Average speed 135 km/h. From Birmingham

1822-04-27 First Certificate of Airworthiness

Authorities in Paris require inspections of hot air balloons.

1822-05-05 Balloons banned to fly over Durham. UK

Aviation law holds that those who set things into the air are liable when those things come down on the heads of others

1836-10-06 First flight with 10 passengers

Charles Green

Green's 224th ascent

1859- Earliest known photo of an aerostat.

Industry exhibition. Paris.

1865-11-08 First balloon honeymoon.

Thaddeus Sobieski Constantine Lowe

Manhattan to Mt Vernon. NY

1874-10-19 First aerial Wedding.

Washington Harrison Donaldson

Cincinnati Hippodrome

1889-11-17 Twenty persons in a free balloon

Louis Godard

Free flight after tether at Place Trocadero. Paris

1909-xx-xx Radio-controlled airship model demonstration

Mark O. Anthony

1910-08-22 Radio-controlled airship model demonstration.

Raymond Phillips

Empire theatre. Cardiff

1911-10-29 Charles Dollfus first balloon flight.

Albert Omer-Decugis

1913-03-xx High speed flight. Average speed 148 km/h

Ferdinand Eimermacher

Münster to East Preussia. Germany

1929-03-25 Lowest altitude reached by a Zeppelin.

Hugo Eckener

Dead Sea. Palestine

1935-11-27 Longest holding - 3 days. Outbreak of revolution in Pernambuco.

Ernst Lehmann

After flight Bathurst. Gambia to Recife de Pernambuco.

1975-04-20 First baptism in Hot Air Balloon

Sten-Åke Björnstedt

1977-05-08 First night flight by Hot Air Airship.

Hans Åkerstedt

Arc-et-Senans. France

1977-09-13 Charles Dollfus last flight. 66 years after his first

Tom Sage

From Castle Howard. England. during 3rd World Hot Air Balloon Championships

1979-09-16 Escaped from East Germany in a homebuilt hot air balloon

Hans-Peter Strelzyk

Oberlemnitz. DDR to 5 km S Lichtenberg. West Germany

1983-06-25 First female pilot in "modern" Gordon Bennett

Nini Boesman

Place de la Concorde. Paris to Orly. 8th place

1984-10-13 First all female crew in Gordon Bennett

Nikki Caplan

Airport Kloten. Zürich to Villefrance. 11th place

1988-08-18 Flight with 50 people in a Hot Air Balloon.

Henk Brink

Lelystad airport. Holland

1990-09-21 First all female crew in Gas Balloon World Championships

Jana Vodsedalkova

Tyndall. South Dakota. USA. 11th place

1992-12-29 Jojo Maes gas balloon flight no 1 000

Franz Josef "Jojo" Maes

1994-08-27 World record toy balloon launch.

Lucius Peart¹

1 592 744 balloons released.

1996-04-21 Jojo Maes gas balloon flight no 1 111

Franz Josef "Jojo" Maes

Also 1075 hot air balloon flights

1997-02-01 Free Balloon Pilot licence holder during 50 years

Don Piccard

1997-05-22 First wedding in a Hot Air Balloon performed by the balloon pilot

Eduardo Vaqués Correa

Pilot authorised by law 17.285

1999-12-31 Last flight of the twentieth century. at least in Finland

Jan Fröjdman

Lappajärvi at 23:55. 31st December to Seinäjoki next Millenium at 09:00

2000-01-01 First flight of the new Millennium. at least in Finland

Jan Fröjdman

Lappajärvi at 23:55. 31st December 1999 to Seinäjoki 1st January 2000 at 09:00

2001-11-03 Jojo Maes gas balloon flight no 1 300

Franz Josef "Jojo" Maes

Marl. Germany to Laage-Lippe

2002-03-11 Promoted Honorary Doctor of Aeronautics at University of Wolverhampton

Per Axel Lindstrand

© CIA, Hans Åkerstedt