1625 First description of hydrogen. first to use the word "gas". Founder of pneumatic chemistry.

Johann Baptista van Helmont¹

1755 Repeated Helmont's discovery that different gases exist

Joseph Black¹

1766 Discovered and isolated a gas. 11 times lighter than air

Henry Cavendish¹

1774-08-01 Isolated and categorized hydrogen and seven other gases.

Joseph Priestley¹

1774-09-30 Discovered and produced oxygen

Carl Wilhelm Scheele¹

1784-03-02 First trial with a dirigible balloon.

Jean-Pierre Blanchard Blanchard No 1. Hydrogen.

1784-07-15 First flight with an elongated balloon with ballonet.

Marie-Noël Robert. (the younger) Hydrogen. "La Caroline"

1785-09-08 First Aerial view published. trail rope first described

Thomas Baldwin Lunardi

1789 Described combustion and proved that the Phlogiston theory is invalid

Antoine Lavoisier¹

1803-07-18 First expressly scientific ascent.

Etienne Gaspar Robertson "Entreprenant". hydrogen.

1821-07-19 First use of coal gas.

Charles Green Green. "George IV". Coal gas.

1836-11-08 First flight over 600 km. First use of drag rope.

Charles Green "Royal Vauxhall". Coal gas

1839-04-27 First use of Rip Panel

John Wise

1858- First aerial photograph.

Gaspard-Félix Tournachon ("Nadar")

1861-06-18 First telegraph message from the air.

Thaddeus Sobieski Constantine Lowe "Enterprise"

1872-12-13 First use of internal gas combustion engine for dirigible

Paul Hänlein Hänlein

1897-11-03 First flight of a rigid (metal outer cover) airship.

Ernst Jaegels David Schwartz No 2

1909-xx-xx Radio-controlled airship model demonstration

Mark O. Anthony

1910-08-22 Radio-controlled airship model demonstration.

Raymond Phillips "Raymond Phillips"

1921-12-01 First airship to fly filled with helium

US Navy C-7

1933-09-04 21th Gordon Bennett race 1933. 4th place. Flew a netless balloon

Richard Schütze "Deutschland"

1948-11-18 Early modern hot air balloon

James A. Contos Homebuilt

1953-xx-xx Early modern hot air balloon

Edward Yost Homebuilt

1956-04-15 Early modern hot air balloon.

James A. Contos Raven

1956-05-xx Logging by balloon tested in Sweden

British Barrage balloon. hydrogen

1960-10-22 First modern Hot air Balloon prototype

Edward Yost Raven Mark 1. Vulcoon

1966-08-20 First modern European Hot Air Balloon

Veikko Kaseva Homebuilt. OH-XVK

1973-01-04 First successful flight of a Hot Air Airship. Bristol.

Donald A. Cameron Cameron D96.

1973-03-14 Test with logging balloons to load/offload ships

Unmanned Raven. Helium

1973-05-01 First flight on pure solar heat

Tracy Barnes Barnes. "Solar Firefly". Tetrahedron.

1974-01-01 First European solar powered balloon

Dominic Michaelis Cameron

1974-03-09 Manned paper balloon flown. Kerosene burner

Jan Fröjdman Homebuilt

1978-02-06 Solar flight.

Fredrick Eshoo Raven. "Sunstat".

1998-10-18 Flight with cluster of 72 Latex Balloons

John K Ninimoya Homebuilt cluster balloon. 72 elastic balloons

© CIA, Hans Åkerstedt