CIA Database "Notable Achievements. - From historic times to 2004"
Test version March 2004. Comments welcome to: Hans Åkerstedt
Printed version March 2005 is available from FAI webshop

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    List of sources
    Form for registration of new entries

    Part 1 - Detailed information

    1. Flights before 1785
    2. Flights 1786 to 1800
    3. Flights 1801 to 1850
    4. Flights 1851 to 1900
    5. Flights 1901 to 1925
    6. Flights 1926 to 1950
    7. Flights 1951 to 1975
    8. Flights 1976 to 1983
    9. Flights 1984 to 1990
    10. Flights 1991 to 1995
    11. Flights 1996 to 2000
    12. Flights 2001 to 2010

    Part 2 - Category lists. Limited information.
    For full information, see corresponding date in part 1

    13. Airship flights
    14. Parachute jumps from balloon
    15. Long distance flight
    16. Long duration flight
    17. "First" flights
    18. Flight over significant geographical features
    19. Gordon Bennett performance
    20. Awards. Champions
    21. High number of flights or hours
    22. Famous females in aerostation
    23. First national flights
    24. Atlantic crossings or attempts
    25. Indian Ocean crossings or attempts
    26. Pacific crossing or attempt
    27. Curiosities
    28. RTW records and attempts
    29. Stratosphere flights (over 12 000 m)
    30. Technical development
    31. Unmanned flights


    Note 1: A name followed by a ¹ is the person responsible for an achievement that involved an unmanned flight or an achievement other than a flight.
    Note 2: The person/persons listed as crew was those actually taking an active part in the manoeuvring of the aerostat other than the commander. Other persons on board are listed as passengers.